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634 inside

634 in, Corbière, St Brelade, Jersey

The 20P7 cupola has been removed.

634 in, Corbière, St Brelade, Jersey

Fine speaking tube which leads to the Tobruk.

634 in, Corbière, St Brelade, Jersey

This machine combines cartridges and shackles to a belt for the Mg.

634 in, Corbière, St Brelade, Jersey

Telephone equipment.

634 in, Corbière, St Brelade, Jersey

Telephone line scheme with the 634 (6 Sch(artenturm)) and the 633 (M19).

634 in, Corbière, St Brelade, Jersey

Entrance with sink and cupboard. The pink is original and was found on old wood and board in the bunker.

634 in, Corbière, St Brelade, Jersey

The MG-34 in Schartenlafette '34 is on display.

634 in, Corbière, St Brelade, Jersey

Turret room with ammo boxes and a HES 1.2.

634 in, Corbière, St Brelade, Jersey

Ventilator room with acces to the turret room.