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M 132, Batterie Lothringen

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

The cupolas of this impressive bunker.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

The 'arms' of the rangefinding tower are original, the tower itself is a replica.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

The stairs leading to the entrance.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

48P8 as entrance defence.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

The gaslock.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

The stairs leading to the range-finder platform.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

The first observation turret.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

And here is number two.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

The closing parts for the slits.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

Inside the big rotating turret a replica distance finder has been placed. CIOS gave every effort to show us the complete function of the bunker.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

The plot room with a stripped 6 m distance finder.

M 132, Bt Lothringen, Noirmont, St Brelade,Jersey

The room for communication.