The northern part had a naval coastal battery (Sperrbatterie-Nord, Stp Königstein) with German 12,7 cm guns. The Infanterie Stützpunkt was divided into six sections: "Graudenz", "Strassburg", "Thorn", "Metz", "Posen" and "Kolberg" which defended the borders of town. North of the town at Lyngby you can find the Luftwaffe radar site Hyäne. We have yet to visit this location. Sperrbatterie Lökken-Süd was a naval coastal battery with 15 cm guns, which used to belong to the Danish ship "Niels Juel". A naval radar station completed this southern part.
Pictures by Henk Adriaanse from 2006 and our own from 2013.
Sperrbatterie Lökken-Nord on a sunny day.