Sangatte is a small town along the coast of the Channel. The beaches were defended by light infantery bunkers and several fieldguns in bunkertype 612. Typical here are the concrete cupolas for Mg. Two major naval coastalbatteries formed the main force. The M.K.B. Sangatte had two guns of 17 cm, placed in bunkertype M 270.They were controlled by a nice Vf Leitstand. The battery Lindemann is of course well known, we cover the remains.
In Sangatte stands this monument. For me, growing up in the Scheldt area, it was an eye opener that on this date, the battle for the Scheldt was already in fierce progress. Antwerp was in Canadian hands since the 4th of September and the 15th German Army had already escaped to Holland on the 15th of September. So Sangatte was one of the areas the allies left for later in their offensive strategy.