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Fort Dirkz Admiraal

On the old fort Dirksz Admiraal south of Den Helder a heavy navy Flakbattery was built. The battery is still complete and quite rare. It is the standard design battery with fire control post in the middle surrounded by four Flak emplacements, built very close together. In the back we find bunkers for ammo, machinery, kitchen and personnel and in front two Flak emplacements for light Flak guns. Two combinations of a L 401 bunker with a Fl 243a emplacement on top, are unique. At two other gunpositions, the L 401 was altered. These lower parts have only a room for personnel. There is no room for ammunition. Only at M.Fl.B. Erfprinz (somewhat more west) two of these combinations were also built. But here the roof and lower parts are separated. Thus the combination of a Fl243a built on a L-series, only occured in the Festung Den Helder. We also have some remarks on the Leitstand Fl 244.

Bearing for the cupola of the 10.5 cm gun.