This navy type radarstation was equipped with a FunkMessOrtnunggerät 52 (FuMO 52). The nickname for the radar was Mammut Cäsar. It was used to guide the operations of the S-boote, so it had to locate surface ships. It used the frequencies 120 - 138 Mhz, had a precision of 300 m at max distance and produced an angle of precision of 5 degrees. The flat steel antenna stood on three concrete socles, of which two were also used as ducts for the antenna cables. The antenna was 10 m high and 30 m wide.
FuMo 52 on a V 143.
The airforce had a similar radarinstallation FuMG 41/42G which had an antenna that stood on four steel poles. Two on the roof and two next to the bunker. Here the antenna cables were led through two concrete socles. The bunkertype for this radarset is the L 485, which has two variations.
FuMG 41/42G on a L 485.