The northern coast of the Netherlands has several islands. The one in the south
is the biggest and is part of the province of Noord-Holland. Since it is
opposite the naval base Den Helder, it has a long military history.
Texel is also known as the place where in April 1945 a revolt took place. The island was
manned by a mix of German and Russian soldiers, such as Georgians and Armenians.
That day the latter stood up against the Germans. In the first night over 400 Germans
were killed by surpise, using knives and bajonets.
However the Germans brought in 700 men from the mainland and the fight lasted for weeks.
At the end a total of over 1.000 Russians, Germans were killed.
Texel lost 117 inhabitants in this event. Once more a black day in history.
The Russian memorial for the fallen on Texel.