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This Stützpunkt, located between Oostvoorne and Rockanje, housed a Wassermann Schwer radar and later, in 1944, a Klein-Heidelberg radar. The radar was protected by a light Fla battery which consisted of three 3.7 cm Flak guns emplaced on 2 L 409As and a L 410. The site was protected from attacks from inland by a chain of trenches and Tobruks which were in some case connected to the bunkers with small tunnels.
The following six Regelbauten were built:

  • 2 x L 409A (10203/10204)
  • 1 x L 410 (10205)
  • 1 x L 413 (10206)
  • 1 x L 480 (10202)
  • 1 x 622 (10201)

Besides these St Bauten some brick buildings and Vf bunkers were built for various purposes.