Probably one of the most strange German war memorabilia we've ever seen is this Totem pole, made by German Kriegsmarine soldiers, to celebrate the second birthday of the battery.
Document with the Totem pole. "Dieses Denkmal ist von der Flak im Wald unter seinem gewährten Obermaat Karl-Hans Hartmann, Kaufmann in Hamburg, zum 2 jährigen Bestehen der Batterie der Marineartillerie Abteilung 507 ausgeführt worden“. Then follows a list of soldiers who worked on the pole.
The year 1944 is covered by the three gun barrels above, of course resembling the gun turret of the battery.
"Entworfen und bearbeitet wurde es von dem Gefreiten Eduard Hermanutz, Bildhauer in Berlin." Eduard Hermanutz, originally a sculpturer from Berlin, carved his initials onto the pole. He designed and worked on it, together with several other soldiers.
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