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Radar basements "Ratibor" Gironde Süd

The situation of the radar equipment is complicated. So the remains of the basements for the different sorts of antennas are hard to figure out. You have to consider that the site was a combination of radar equipment for long distance detection, for nightfighter control and for fire control of the aa-guns in the strongpoint and those in the region. Germany had during the war different kinds of working procedures in detecting and controlling their nightfighters. Mostly used was the "Seeburg-Lichtenstein" system. After the Freya FuMG 80 had detected a target, a Würzburg FuMG 65 took over and followed that target. All information was displayed on the panels in the L 479 (Seeburg-Tisch). Nightfighters were quickly directed towards the enemy planes. A second Würzburg followed these German fighters in order to correct their course.

The procedures in detecting and controlling were enhanched by the development of new radar equipment, such as the FuMG 74, "Kolmbach". It had to replace the FuMG 80 with more accuracy, but it was not available untill mid 1944. We think that this site had a brand-new FuMG 74 under construction or even operational as an improvement in the long range detection. At the site here, nightfighter control had two "Freya" FuMG 80 radars, which were could rotate ("Dreh Freya"). They had a range of over 200 km.

The electrical equipment and the powersupply were installed in both bunkers L 486. The antenna had a steel basement (tripod) and was in this site protected by a high wall built in "Formsteine". We do not dare to give an opinion on the procedure that was followed by this night fighter control.

For detecting planes that could attack the own site, there was a Würzburg FuMG 39 T. Operating this system takes 5 men, which are all working around the antenna, so outside. In the field a plank-bridge was applied. We found no basement for such a radar.