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Gironde Süd

Festung Gironde Süd starts at Port Neyran on the western bank of the Gironde, goes anti-clockwise around Pointe de Grave and ends at Soulac sur Mer. There was a Landfront, but no real traces can be found. From Soulac going south it is called the Freie Küste Gironde Süd which part ends at Montalivet. Remarkable is the extra German attention given to the watersupply of the strongpoints in this warm area. We made a special in which you find information on the waterbunkers found. The main coastal batteries are concentrated on Pointe de Grave and in the dunes further to the west. The beachdefences almost only exist of bunkers for the 5 cm KwK gun. Mortar or MG-casemates were not found. We made this trip in the year 2005. As usual we took the nearest designation on the IGN map for the name in the menu.

The highlights are:

  • the extra watersupply in most of the strongpoints,
  • the battery "Reichenberg", which still has all the bunkers,
  • the headquarters at Le Vieux Soulac,
  • the defences on the beaches with the many bunkers for the 5 cm KwK gun,
  • and one ..

..close encounter.