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The former island of Goeree-Overflakkee got the status of Stützpunkt Gruppe in the autumn of 1942. Two coastal batteries were built on the beaches of the northern part of the island. These were the HKB Ouddorp and the HKB Goedereede. One inland battery was built and on some strategic spots along the coast an antitank gun was installed, either in a St casemate or in a field order emplacement with crew bunker (501). Many bunkers were destroyed after the great storm of 1953, when a lot of bunkers slided onto the beach and formed a danger to the public and coastal defence. Since 2004 there's some more interest in the Atlantikwall as cultural heritage in the region. Two Widerstandsnester (220 and 222 H) were made more accessible in previous years. This project is still running in 2012.
Additional pictures by Henk Adriaanse, 2006 - 2011.

This special 504 with an attached corridor and searchlight garage was excavated in 2010. This is an excellent project of the foundation WO2 Goeree-Overflakkee and the authorities. See Wn 220H in the menu.